Learning Web Development will eventually create a variable in your head
I'm starting this blog not because I have a huge passion for writing; at least not the long form-type-of-writing — me writing here is more like a personal repository for my thoughts: a target practice to solidify new concepts.
This is more like a diary if you will; with this blog I intend to mash programming and poetry like Jay - Z did with Linkin Park, giving birth to the collision course, yeah God did. Personally I like short blog post, long post put me to sleep and my only guess is that these programming concepts are abstract and difficult for my brain so it struggles to map out neurons for it.
With much emphasis on writing, I decided not only to write poems but to write about what I'm learning even if it is just in four (4) lines. Learning Web Development will eventually create a variable in your head and put the arrays it hold into an infinite loop; hence the desire to put what you're learning or your "gocha" moments into writing will be invoke every time you face a screen; is like your brain is wrapped in an IIFE.
Why will that even be a surprise; a field that encourage reading documentations, effective communication, writing better "commits" and commenting codes, is near impossible to evade writing. My documentation here will essentially be an abstraction of thought, road blocks mowing, and breakthroughs as I continue my journey through frontend development. Till next time, keep learning